Innovative entrepreneurship education - necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region
Name of the project: | Innovative entrepreneurship education - necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region | |
Visegrad Fund - Strategic Grant No: | 31410020 | |
Implementation period: | 09/2014 – 08/2016 | |
Co-ordinator: | University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Economics Country: Czech Republic Coordinator: PaedDr. Dana Egerová, Ph.D. |
International conference
On Thursday 17 March 2016 was held international conference entitled 'Opportunities and challenges for entrepreneurship education at universities” in Pilsen. Around 50 participants drawn from universities, national and region’s policy makers represent ants of employers, chambers of commerce and public employment services were gathered there. The conference was intended to be a platform for sharing, exchanging and transferring experiences and best practices concerning development and implementation of innovative entrepreneurial education. The conference offered different perspectives and approaches to entrepreneurship education and gave some inspiration for the education of future entrepreneurs.
Third Roundtable on Entrepreneurial education in Krakow
On 4th - 5th November 2015 the third Roundtable “Entrepreneurial education: Challenges and Opportunities” was held in Krakow. This roundtable was organized by the Faculty of Economics in cooperation with partners from Poland. The major purpose of the event was to discuss relevant issues of entrepreneurs’ education in higher education. Within the Round table presentations were made by the following key speakers:
- Krzysztof Wach (Cracow University of Economics) Entrepreneurial Education – just between entrepreneurial pedagogy and business education
- Tomasz Rachwał (Pedagogical University of Cracow)
Education for entrepreneurship in the Polish education system and higher education - Sebastian Kolisz (Dyrektor regionalny Akademickie Inkubatory Przedsiębiorczości)
Academic entrepreneurship: from incubators to innovative startups - Radosław Folga (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Oświęcimiu)
The role of business environment institutions in inspiring the entrepreneurial spirit among young people. Case of Oswiecim - Katarzyna Biesiada (Przedsiębiorstwo Społeczne "Ognisko" Sp. z o.o.)
Support of entrepreneurship of people with disabilities on the example of the Christian Association of People with Disabilities, their Families and Friends „Ognisko”
PaedDr. Dana Egerová, Ph.D.
Project coordinator
The second Roundtable: Entrepreneurial Education – Challenges and Opportunities
On the 27th of May there was held the second Roundtable within the project funded by Visegrad Fund called „Innovative entrepreneurship education – necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region“. It was organized by the Faculty of Economics from Pilsen in Brno. The aim of this event was to present the best practices and to exchange the experiences and opinions on entrepreneurship with the focus on recommendation for innovation in entrepreneurship education at universities in V4 countries.
At the beginning there was a very interesting performance of Ondřej Přikryl, who introduced the project Unifer focused on supporting student‘s entrepreneurship projects. After that there was speaking Jan Alán from Technology Transfer of Masaryk University. Activities of the Centre of Top Women Entrepreneurs Brno were introduced by Zuzana Šimberová. The last invited speaking guest was Petr Vítek, one of the founders of Impact Hub Praha. All speaches were followed by interesting discussion and they were a huge inspiration especially for foreign project partners. Based on that the project participants will solve the proposals for entrepreneurship education during the next days and within the next Roundtable meeting which will be held in Poland in Krakow.
The second part of the meeting was filled by presentations of the first outputs of analysis of the current state of university entrepreneurship education in V4 countries and presentations and discussion of outputs of other surveys conducted by participants until this date.
The internal meeting of projects participants continued also the next day when the main tasks and responsibilities were discussed and allocated and other future events were planned.
PaedDr. Dana Egerová, Ph.D.
project coordinator
Roundtable concerning issue of entrepreneurial education
On 29th and 30th January 2015 another event of partners of the international project „Innovative entrepreneurship education – necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region“ took place. The project is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund and coordinated by the Faculty of Economics, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. This time, the partners met at the roundtable, which took place at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Besides the project partners, representatives of entrepreneurs, students and academia were present. The main aim of the roundtable was the exchange of experience, opinions and insights on the education of future entrepreneurs and the role of universities in this field. Interesting discussion was opened up at the roundtable. The participants had the opportunity to compare entrepreneurship from the perspective of an experienced entrepreneur and from the perspective of student entrepreneurs. Examples of good practise related to cooperation between universities and the business sector heading towards the support of entrepreneurial education were presented. Discussion about approaches and forms of education for entrepreneurship across the V4 countries along with the experience from England was also inspiring. Several proposals which will be further worked out and discussed at the next roundtable emerged from the discussion. The next roundtable will be held in Brno in May and all involved participants and new guests will be invited.
As the participants noted at the end, the roundtable was not beneficial only for all the participants, but also for the further development of the discussed issues.
First workshop of the project was held between
17th and 18th September
On 17th and 18th September the first workshop of the project „Innovative entrepreneurship education - necessary precondition for future prosperity of V4 region“ was held at the Faculty of Economics (University of west Bohemia) in Pilsen. Partner universities are as follows: Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia), Szent István University, Gödöllő (Hungary), Poznan School of Banking (Poland) and The State School of Higher Education in Oświęcim (Poland).
Project partners from Visegrad region met there in order to discuss opinions, experiences and attitude to entrepreneurship education in each country of Visegrad region and also to talk the research methodology over. The main focus is on the research of current state of tertiary entrepreneurship education in each country of the V4 and its comparison. The outcome of the research will cover key topics and recommendations and will be summarized and published in monograph.
In January, the first roundtable of the project will be held in Nitra.
Short project description
The project is focused on entrepreneurship education in V4 countries. The main aim of the project is to support development of innovative entrepreneurship education. The core of the project is research situation analysis of entrepreneurship education in V4 countries with focus on higher education and identification of innovative entrepreneurship education programmes and initiatives. The project brings together multiple stakeholders who play key role in facilitating entrepreneurship education.Partners:
Szent István University, Gödöllo | | |
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra | | |
Poznan School of Banking | | |
The State School of Higher Education in Oświęcim | www.uczelnia.pwsz− |